A Voice for Men: On March 1, 2011 Men Will Speak...

Article here. Excerpt:

'Thirty days ago I brought up the idea of an internet radio show for MRA’s that focused on men’s rights and the state of men and boys in modern western culture. The idea was to have a more prominent platform than a blog or website could provide, and to create a launch pad for other activism.

At the time I did some research on the idea and determined that a reasonable start up amount for this kind of venture would be $4,500.00. To be honest, I was not encouraged. The men’s movement is populated with a lot of disenfranchised, impoverished men, many of whom have been stripped of assets and livelihood by the western worlds system of feminist governance.

Add to that the fact that we tend to be a contentious group that operate more or less separately from each other and it would appear a recipe for a quick failure.

But that was before $7,634.00 was donated, as well as many hours of vital expertise, from graphic design to sound engineering to show production to original music.

In short, hell just froze over. A Voice for Men Radio will begin broadcasting on March 1st, 2011, a mere three weeks away. And we have already developed the resources across the net to make that launch day something to remember.'

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On March 1, 2011…Men Will Speak…Like You Have Never Heard Them Before

A Voice for Men Radio

A program dedicated to the idea of sanity between the sexes. We make that happen with history’s most powerful weapon; the truth.

And the truth will set you free.

March 1, 2011, 9pm EST


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I probably will not listen to it and I am a dedicated MRA. I only listen to the radio when I am driving to work. I have heard other MRA radio stations. They are great, but I get bored quickly, because I am looking for something interesting that I don't already know.

The radio station must entertain as well as inform. Otherwise your small initial listener base of well wishers will dwindle to a tiny handful.

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