Teacher not criminally responsible for sex with teen student: court

Story here. Perhaps she was mentally deficient at the time, but given the description of her actions, I am finding it hard to believe she didn't know what she was doing is wrong. It's not like she made one mistake. She made many over a long period of time. Excerpt:

'SASKATOON — Family and supporters of a teacher from Shell Lake, Sask., sighed with relief in a Saskatoon courtroom Friday after a judge declared her not criminally responsible, due to mental illness, for a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old former student.

Michelle Francoeur was in an extreme “manic state” and lacked the capacity to make rational decisions when she agreed to have sex with the teen boy on several occasions between Sept. 1 and Nov. 20, 2008, Queen’s Bench Justice Duane Koch found.

“The criminal law does not want to punish people who were suffering a mental disorder at the time of the act,” Crown prosecutor Mitch Piche said outside court.'

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you will be happy to hear that she was suspended from her JOB while kangaroo court
was in session. femcode = with pay = not fired. she works in a school. around people
all day long. the type people considered pillars of the community. and nobody noticed she was crazy?

probably get an extra pay check (or several) if now she claims he abused her.

the comments had the regular nuts saying how they feel for her pain.

then you have those insaneos who say the guy is one lucky 15 y.o.

then you have about half, maybe more, who think this is a double standard. any guy would do
some serious time (of course with the child abuser label around his neck, in prison).
wonder how the % breaks out each category as compared to say 10 years ago?

the really sad part - its 50/50 whether this was a male or female judge. i don't even bother
to look anymore. that hasn't changed much yet either is my bet.

btw - it ain't just canada. this very real man hating brain disease has infected the entire western world.

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She should have been charged with a crime, but the double standard got her off. Just for the record, according to reports, she was suspended WITHOUT pay during the investigation and she is no longer working for the school.

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went to many websites, and no pix of her anywhere.
so we don't know if she got the usual 'pretty pass'.

some gov. acronym had to step in early and forbid putting the kid's stuff out there.

i imagine it is true that she isn't teaching THERE anymore. this happened in a
very small village.

also, her potential for loss of license only applies to a 'guilty' verdict.
the only thing she probably lost was some pay.

some folks online locally said she had done this before, but only recently had the min. age
been changed, 14 to 16. a year earler and she would not have been charged.

so, to sum it up - she moves 1000 miles away, maybe changes her name,
and she is teaching your kids next year. i just marvel how the courts protect us,
from men.

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