NFL Must Tackle Super Bowl Abuse Myth

Press release here. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has recently joined the 15th anniversary team of the National Domestic Violence Hotline, along with other sports figures. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON, Feb. 4, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A victim rights group is calling on the National Football League to denounce the myth that Super Bowl Sunday is a "day of dread" for victims of abuse. Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – SAVE – believes such claims foster hysteria and trivialize the problem of domestic violence.

The myth dates back to 1993 when a group of activists charged Super Bowl Sunday was "biggest day of the year for violence against women." The myth was later refuted by the Washington Post:

Still, groups like the Crisis Control Center in Texas are using the falsehood to promote its fund-raising efforts. According to a recent Crisis Control Center statement, Super Bowl weekend has "one of the highest incidences of domestic violence and sexual assault than any other weekend during the year."'

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Now, we are calling on EVERYONE to call the NFL main office at 1-212-450-2000. Please tell Commissioner Goodell to speak out against the myth that Super Bowl Sunday is the “biggest day of the year for violence against women.” Telephone him at: 1-212-450-2000.

The DV lies must stop. Please pass this along!


The SAVE Team

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