The Second Annual Conference on Male Studies: Looking Forward to Solutions

Announcement here. Excerpt:

'Distinguished experts will discuss the problems, challenges and solutions to the rapidly deteriorating status of men and boys in education, employment, mental and physical health, family structure and related areas. The conference will cover the impact of males’ problems in the post-modern era, as well as their effect on both genders, and the presenters’ views on steps to reverse current trends.

The conference will deal with virtually all areas defining contemporary life from advertising and education – to medicine, psychology and sociology – and represent a range of academic disciplines from anthropology, education and history – to medicine, government and psychology.
The conference moderator is Guy Garcia, author of The Decline of Men, a former vice-president of AOL, and the winner of awards for journalism.

In addition to this conference’s global webinar audience (early registration is $25.00 per person), we also have a limited number of seats at the conference site, with an early registration fee of $200 per person.

Please share this preliminary program with any friends or colleagues who might be interested in attending or joining online.'

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