Are men victims of obnoxious feminism?

The first half of the article is written by Dominic Raab, here. Dominic Raab, a new Tory MP, was recently featured in an earlier post on his call to end "feminist bigotry". He has stuck his neck out, it's time for us to support him. Excerpt:

'Earlier this week I wrote that from cradle to grave, men are getting a raw deal. Men work longer hours, die earlier, but retire later than women. I also noted that while some say we should be less precious about light-hearted banter between the sexes, you can’t have it both ways. If sexism is wrong, the same standards apply to men and women. On the other hand, if you buy into the whole Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus theory of gender difference –with all its pseudo science -you can’t complain about inequalities of outcome that flow both ways from those essentially sexist distinctions.
The (male) journalist asked what right I had to debate the issue as a white middle class man. This is ludicrous. Aside from the fact that I am elected to represent all my constituents –irrespective of race, gender or religious belief –since when did we segregate public debate according to social criteria? The fact is that the remaining pay gap is symptomatic of a broader common challenge that couples go through together -namely striking the right work-family balance. Rather than pitting couples against each other –in an outdated struggle of the sexes –we should be debating a common problem.

But, if hard-line feminists want to push the point, let’s get some perspective. Pay is just one element of the employment bargain. The data also shows that, overall, men work longer hours, commute further, have a greater risk of redundancy and derive less job satisfaction. Still sound like women are getting short-changed?

And, while we are on the subject, what about the blatant discrimination against men? Men work longer in life, die earlier –yet the state pension age won’t be equalised for another seven years. Young boys are educationally disadvantaged compared with girls, while paternal rights of access to children following a break-up are routinely flouted with impunity. Don’t get me started on Sheila’s wheels and women-only gyms –whether objectively justifiable or not, can you imagine men getting away with either? What Emmeline Pankhurst used to call 'the double standards of sex morals’ have come full circle. As I said, perhaps now is the time to burn our briefs.'

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This Dominic Raab guy is awesome! (though I wish he'd talk a little more about the injustice of custody disputes and unilateral divorce) Why can't we have a mainstream politician like this in the USA raising these issues?

The lady giving the rebuttal starts of reasonably, but quickly sneaks in sexism and tacit approval of the status quo.

Some examples... She's got this paragraph:

"Men are more likely to get the sack – not because women are firing them, but because men do seem to be less adaptable than women to changing circumstances, and in these days of economic hardship it’s all change. "

It's flat out sexist to say men are less adaptable than women.

She has this paragraph that's a huge non-sequitur:

"Men who use brute strength against women go to prison. Job and graduate selection is now done by box-ticking rather than by personal preference, to lessen the 'tall men, pretty women’ bias. Fathers are compelled by law to support their children, and encouraged by legislation and benefits to bond with them; thus the new paternity leave."

First off, the gov't could totally address the tall man bias if it wanted to. That's simple math tables and income redistribution. I'm not at all sure how it connects to maintaining the sexist family court system -- that she herself acknowledged as unfair a few paragraphs earlier. Pretending that all violence is of the "brute strength" variety (as opposed to using weapons) -- and that women lack brute strength -- is also sexist.

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OMG! Someone in misandry crazed Britain has finally "gotten it?"
And a British male too!!!!!!

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Yeah. I'm sure the world is waiting with baited breath to see how this turns out. If he gets the sack, it will send a clear message from feminists that men aren't allowed to speak up to their feminist masters. If he doesn't get sacked, men everywhere will stand up tall. I wish more men in government would back him up rather then sitting back and waiting for the all clear. But it's potential career suicide, and too many men in government would never here the end of it if they couldn't bring home the bacon anymore.

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