Watch Oprah's All Stars Candidly Chat About Penises
Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2011-01-24 10:09
Videos here.
'On Ask Oprah's All Stars, Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil and Suze Orman address audience concerns. Tonight, a lesbian couple asked if they should circumcise their son; instead, they received loads of frank penis talk from Orman and host Gayle King.
Here are three individual clips from the segment—which ran about six minutes total—during which Dr. Oz attempted to explain the pros and cons of circumcision to the couple, who are expecting a son in just a few short weeks.
In the first, King interrupts Dr. Oz before he can begin to address the couple's question by asking him, "Don't you think penies look better circumcised?"
And finally, another "Uncut penises are gross!" moment from King, with a bonus from Orman.'
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Perhaps I am over emotional,
Perhaps I am over emotional, being pregnant and all, but that brought me to tears. All the laughing and joking while they simulate cutting off the genital area of a baby.
The gender should make no difference, but could you imagine the audience's reaction if they were speaking about FGM and they pulled out a female doll to demonstrate on? And what if the "expert panel" started laughing and grabbing at the scissors like that?
I am so glad you guys have talked me out of circumcision (one of the first topics I ever posted on at this site). If this baby is a boy it will add to the percentage of parents choosing not to circ.
A lot of talk about circ lately. Even though much of the media is pro, neutral or obnoxious, at least it gets people talking.
Did I hear the male doctor at the very end of the video say something about no baby gives consent?
circumcision and US
I really hope Oprah becomes known as a bigot one day.I know some already view her that way.
Here's an interesting video on circumcision which incidentally mentions Oprah using penis foreskin in cosmetics. It also say that over 200 boys in the us die from the procedure per year.
Oprah's new network is in trouble. The ratings are abysmal. It looks as if her network faces the same fate as the dodo bird.