Australia: Do men get a rough deal?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Seems a bit rich these days to claim there is a ‘‘glass ceiling’’ for female jobs. Load of cobblers, isnt it? I mean, Australia has a female Prime Minister and a female Governor-General.
The National Council of Women thinks so and no surprise there. I recently chatted with Victorian leader Jennie Rawther who pointed out that, among other things, women at the end of World War 1 had to give up their jobs to returning servicemen -- even though their husbands may have been killed in combat. There was no widow’s pension, nor child support.

Sounds tough but Age reader Steve Hills of Rosebud is not impressed. ‘‘There is overwhelming evidence that female health, safety and female lives were held as more valuable than men’s lives,’’ he says. ‘‘Men’s lives were routinely regarded as disposable. The view that women alone were discriminated against is an ignorant one.’’
Hills is not alone in his jaundiced view of an anti-male world.
On the men’s rights website the list of alleged discrimination is a long one.'

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