Study: Ninety percent of domestic violence education programs lack accuracy

Article here. Excerpt:

'A report released today by Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) shows nearly all federally-funded domestic violence education programs fail to meet minimum standards of accuracy, balance, and truthfulness. "At most one in 10 domestic violence training, education, and public awareness materials and programs are accurate, balanced, and truthful," reports SAVE.
If you're wondering how we got here, it has to do with a radical ideology, the lack of oversight, and the creation of myths, hoaxes and lies. Have you ever read that 95% of domestic violence victims are women? How about, "Domestic violence is the number one reason women go to the emergency room"? Do you think that more domestic violence occurs on Super Bowl Sunday than any other day of the year? None of these statements are true.

This distorted view of domestic violence has left many abused men with nowhere to turn. "One crisis call from an older gentleman will always stick out in my mind," recalls Lindi Jo Hall, a former hotline worker writing on facebook. "He was ashamed to go and file a police report, for fear of being belittled or looked down on by local police. His wife had broken his arm by twisting one too many times behind his back."'

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