Israel: Blasting feminists, Kadima MK appoints herself champion of men's rights

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'Kadima MK Yulia Shamalov Berkovich, speaking recently at a conference organized by a lobby group dedicated to preserving the Israeli family unit, delivered a scathing attack on feminist values, insinuating that complaints of sexual harassment are often ungrounded.

"I've never been sexually harassed," she told the conference organized by Familists in Ramat Gan last month. "When a man flatters me, I'm happy. It's part of the natural balance of nature." The full speech can be viewed on the group's website.

The organization, headed by Gil Ronen, is dedicated to "saving and rejuvenating the Israeli family unit," according to its website. Its members see their mission as combating so-called "genderists," whose true agenda, they believe, is persuading women to leave their husbands and take their money and children. The group says its mission is to support "the sanctity of marriage between man and woman," and for that to happen, a man must be a man and a woman must be a woman.'

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