Position Vacant: Administration Officer - Leaders Institute of SA (LISA)

Link to posting here. Excerpt:

'The Leaders Institute of South Australia is the State’s premier leadership development organisation. We are a not-for-profit organisation that offers unconventional, unmatched and unforgettable opportunities for personal and professional growth and community engagement. Our programs include the Governor’s Leadership Foundation (GLF) Program, the High Impact Women in Leadership Program, the Edge Program and the Governor’s Leadership Foundation Alumni Think-tank program.'

From the LISA website:

'Research undertaken by the South Australian Government’s Office for Public Employment found that in the SA public sector only 24% of all applications for executive positions came from women and that women were significantly under represented at a senior level (ASO6 and above).

“It has already been recognised many changes are required in order for women to comprise half of public sector employees in the executive levels (including chief executives) by 2014, an objective of the State’s Strategic Plan”, said Christine Locher, Locher Human Resources, Executive Chair. “While progress is being made, there’s still a long way to go as current growth rates show that it will take over 20 years for women to make up 50% of the executive workforce in the public sector. Studies show that organisations and companies with greater gender diversity at a senior level, perform better financially, so there’s evidence to support the view that increasing women’s representation within the public sector will make it more efficient. Women often have very different leadership qualities from men and the qualities being sought for executive roles need to be considered carefully. There are many issues to consider and this program will provide senior women with a chance to develop their unique leadership capacity, connect with other women from a diversity of sectors and consider barriers including individual and organisational. Our aim is to build leadership capacity among women and this needs to be undertaken in tandem with any systemic change.” '

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