The Futurist: 'Misandry Bubble'

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'Executive Summary : The Western World has quietly become a civilization that undervalues men and overvalues women, where the state forcibly transfers resources from men to women creating various perverse incentives for otherwise good women to conduct great evil against men and children, and where male nature is vilified but female nature is celebrated. This is unfair to both genders, and is a recipe for a rapid civilizational decline and displacement, the costs of which will ultimately be borne by a subsequent generation of innocent women, rather than men, as soon as 2020.'

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however, about page 977 he states that there is no MRM.
says that market forces will cause the eventual healing (my words) that
logically must take place. he says the best thing to be said about MRA's
is that at least something is better than nothing. that's where i got off, and
about where i quit reading.

it has been several decades (early 70's) since i had my children legally stolen from me;
and, i have watched and waited (for decades) for others so treated to eventually become an army of
disgruntled and disgusted men. finally, many years too late to do me any good, they start
showing up. everywhere you randomly go on the www there are men confronting left wing
feminist loons. like the socialism that has bred it, feminism is very unpopular, once
you educate people to the truth of it. the results of it are, unfortunately, everywhere.
it really is about other people's $$, and privilege.

i really wish the author had avoided the comments about MRM/MRA's. unfortunate.

how could i watch what has happened to my country, caused by something evil God gave me the eyes to see,
and still say that MRA's have done no good? if nothing else, we have flushed out the opponent,
defined remedies through learned, fair debate, and given guys like this a more educated, understanding and
growing audience. i assure you, it wasn't there until recently. and let's also give credit due: www.

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The summary is very good--I think our overvaluing of all things female will eventually destroy us. The irony may be, as the author suggests, that women, becoming more and more dependent on entitlements, will find themselves in dire straits if those entitlements end. Men, being less dependent on entitlements, will likely do better.

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Interesting article.

I found the "four sirens" particularly interesting (the term he uses for what he believes has caused the destruction of men):

(1) birth control options (2) No fault divorce (3) financial independence of women (4) pro-female social engineering (government's promotion of single motherhood) .

The problem is that I am not sure what the solutions should be. Only one area, I thought, had a logical solution that has a chance of getting accomplished. That is influencing the courts and legal system to respect men and fathers.

As far as the other sirens...I am not sure how to 'put the toothpaste back in the tube', so to speak. I think both men and women would agree that BC and financial independence are positive things and would be unwilling to go back to the days before women had these options.

As far as "acceptance of single motherhood" I see both males and females with this attitude. I personally wish it was not so socially acceptable as I really do feel that acceptance is a big factor. I advocate for fathers getting full custody from birth when couples are not together and cutting off welfare. I wish adoption would be promoted and thought of as the responsible thing to do. I recently spoke to a 17 year old guy who was about to become a father. He was excited and thought it was cool. I told him about all the adoption options available (such as "open adoption") but he said he could "never do that". He professed his love for his unborn daughter and said he would never abandon her. His friends were sitting around him, and I could tell they held the same attitude. They equate adoption with "abandonment" - and equate parenthood on the government's dime as "responsible".

I can see from looking around that access to birth control does not prevent unwanted pregnancies. IMO it gives people a false sense of security and promotes irresponsible sexual behavior in both men and women. I know from my own personal experience that my lack of birth control options and the fear of pregnancy is what influenced me to wait to have sex, and then only with a partner that is willing and able to care for any children that may be conceived.

Also my aversion to government handouts made it so I would never put myself in a position to be dependent on welfare. I feel so strongly about this that I sometimes feel that poor people should not be having sex that may cause pregnancy. That goes for married and unmarried as I know two married couples that are having their 3rd and 4th child even though they receive welfare benefits (food and medical). These were planned pregnancies by both the husbands and wives. It is hard for me to be happy for them. I can only share these feelings over the internet. If I said anything like this in person, people would think I was a snob. But really what gives people the "right" to have kids when they can't afford them (wether they are married or not)?

As far as divorce laws...I don't have any perfect solutions for divorce. I have never been thru a divorce nor have I seen much of it within my family. So I am still forming my opinion of "no fault" divorce (I had never heard of the term until I joined this group). However, I do advocate for men and fathers getting more respect in the courtroom, especially when it comes to custody issues.

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Let's be honest. We exist on the web making debate, but we do not yet exist as a movement. Where are the demonstrations? Where are the rallies? Where are the large groups of people holding up signs? Where are the lobbyists?

In that regard, the author is correct. Politicians have no fear of the male voting block (and likely never will) so there is no true movement yet.

And, honestly, I doubt there ever will be. Men won't group as men like minorities/women/non-heterosexuals have. There's reasons behind this which I can go into if you desire me to do so.

What there will be, however, is individual men hitting the breaking point and lashing out... over and over again... until the laws/policies created in response to those events finally causes larger and larger numbers of men to lash out into revolution.

But that will only happen if we don't weaken ourselves to the point where we are conquered by an outside force first.

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