The man is the woman of Swedish Wahhabism

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you're even a casual consumer of the news, you're no doubt aware of the plight of men in Sweden. If you're a man in Sweden, your rights are not your own. You must have a female guardian -- no matter how old you are. You can't leave your neighborhood -- indeed, your own house -- without your guardian's permission. She has the right to veto your marriage; indeed, you've probably heard of the 42-year-old Swedish doctor who's suing his mother to allow him to marry. You are not to have contact with women you are not related to without family supervision. Indeed, you're not even allowed to drive.

Do you like sports? You can't play 'em. Interested in politics? You can't participate in 'em. Want education? You can get it -- but it's heavy on your responsibility as a man to serve women. And if you're assaulted by a woman, you'd best not report it -- a man who was kidnapped and assaulted by seven Swedish women was famously sentenced to six months in prison and a whipping for being in the presence of women he was unrelated to -- and when Men's Rights Activists complained, the sentence was doubled.'

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Read the whole article you see the same old feminist tactics. And if you see the comments you'll see that people have caught onto the mangina...

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