Women arrested for multiple counts of animal abuse

Story here. Excerpt:

'Their mouths were muzzled and wrapped in so much tape they couldn't breathe, bark or eat. Their fur was matted with filth and the house was crammed with so much trash, it hid the floor.

A Long Island mother and daughter were arrested yesterday after more than a dozen tortured dogs and cats were rescued from a filth-riddled Rockville Centre home that included more than two dozen decomposing animal remains, cops said.
Faith Ross, 54, a secretary, and Francesca Maselli, 24, a nursing-home aide, pleaded not guilty and were being held at the Nassau County Jail on more than $75,000 bail each on three felony animal-cruelty counts.
Ross' ex-husband, Louis Maselli, said he has had no contact with daughter Francesca for more than a decade because Ross cut her off from him and his family after the courts refused to require visitation.

"My daughter was taken away from me when she was 11 and taught to hate me and my family," he told The Post. "I gave up, finally, after 10 years of phone calls and letters."'

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