Australia: NSW Youth Center plans female-only cardio oasis

Here are the feminists again creating women-only deals! When will it ever end? Excerpt:

'FAIRFIELD-CABRAMATTA PCYC will build a new female-only cardio oasis and upgrade its facilities after it received a $54,000 boost under the State Budget.

The organisation was among 11 others in the area receiving $400,000 as part of the State Government’s $35 million Community Building Partnership program.

Fairfield-Cabramatta PCYC manager Jeannie Banks said the money would also go towards upgrading the kitchen and constructing a new carpark.

“We will be spending $17,500 on buying a fridge and microwave, as well as upgrading the kitchen which will actually comply with OH&S,” she said. “We will also spend $11,500 on the demolition of the old dilapidated house next door and build a new carpark for our staff. We will then look at increasing it to hold more activities for the community.'

Ed. note: 'PCYC' means 'Police and Community Youth Clubs'. See here.

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Who's doing the work? LOL!
Funny, they say "we" will be doing this and "we" will be building that. ORLY?
If they are really equal, why not do the work themselves? LOL.

Let's see: taxpayer money funneled from taxpayers, mostly working class men, as most women are in the public sector, being used to have men build women-only facilities. What would women do without us?

I'm still in favor of a woman-only city, where only women live. And, that would mean no men helping them out. That would be hilarious to watch.


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