A Voice for Men: "Welcome New York Times Readers"

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you came here after seeing A Voice for Men mentioned in the New York Times, welcome. You were led here after reading the following:

“Lurking around the edges of the male studies movement, moreover, in Web[sic] sites like Paul Elam’s A Voice for Men, is a certain amount of anti-feminist hostility, if not outright misogyny,” or so says Times writer Charles McGrath.

Please allow me to take a brief moment to demonstrate how fallacious this statement is, and why.

First, and it seems silly to have to say this, we are not “lurkers” here, though I give McGrath due credit for creativity with dark metaphors. Very compelling.

I support the concept of male studies, and I have been personally enthused about the efforts of the Male Studies Foundation since my days as Editor-in-Chief at mensnewsdaily.com. I have no official relationship with The Foundation and am much more concerned with an array of issues other than Male Studies.'

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Hats off to you Paul. You've evidently struck a nerve at the NYT. You're worrying the editors at the NYT, and they want to put down what you're doing. The NYT article is such a smear campaign, and quite obviously so. Anybody with have a sense for lies can tell this right away.

I hope this article in the NYT, and your article responding to it, brings plenty of manginas into the men's movement, men who are still reading the NYT. Personally, I haven't read the NYT for over a decade, because it's such an obviously feminist newspaper. I can't imagine any self-respecting man, who actually has a clue about feminism, would read it these days.

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This is a milestone for the MRA movement. NYT's insult should be viewed as a major "coming of age" step in our journey.

Congratulations Paul - we have liftoff!

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
- Mahatma Ghandi,

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