City rings in new year with killing of man by woman as he tried to break up fight

So feminists insist men start fights and women are the peacemakers. Sometimes, sure. Other times, not. In this case, a father of 7 is killed trying to break up a fight between two women. Charges she faces? Manslaughter, and assault. Excerpt:

'Rochester, N.Y. - The family of James Singleton, 46, said the way they understand it, Singleton was simply trying to break-up a fight between two women when he was stabbed early Saturday morning.

Rochester Police Investigators say Singleton was stabbed in the leg with a piece of broken glass and that the wound severed his femoral artery; Singleton died at the hospital Saturday night.

Monday morning Nancy James, 52, pled "not guilty" at her arraignment in Rochester City Court. James is charged with manslaughter for Singleton's death and with assault for stabbing the other woman, Patria Brown.'

That's not all from Rochester this year in the woman-on-man stabbings front. Another one here.

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