NJ Woman Charged With Setting Boyfriend on Fire

Story here.

'A Camden County, N.J., woman was in police custody Saturday charged with setting her boyfriend on fire on New Year's Eve.

Richard King Jr. was in stable condition in a Philadelphia burn center after a blanket he was using was set on fire, local newspaper the Courier-Post reported.

Police in Audubon, Pa., said Pamela Rozzelle, 50, was charged with second-degree aggravated arson and second-degree aggravated assault.

Rozzelle told police she could not find her car keys and tried to wake King, who was asleep on a couch. Rozzelle said she then lit a cigarette and a match fell onto a blanket that covered King, which in turn lit on fire, according to the report.'

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I'm wondering, just what sort of blanket could it have been if a single match "accidentally" dropped on it could cause it to flare up and burn the person in it? The mind fairly reels at the possibilities. In any case, I find it "rather a likely a story" and apparently so do the police.

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Her abused boyfriend will do the manly thing and step up to the plate and accept her explanation.

Most men (serfs) are programmed to react that way, unfortunately.

Notice she wasn't charged with domestic abuse too.

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