Footballers, nude photos and a teenage girl

See this story here on the Sydney Morning Herald, and further footage for anyone not following this story.

This is an interesting story, mostly for the way the worm has turned. A couple of days ago a story blew up that seemed relatively normal (for Australia, at least) - nude photos turn up of a pro footballer, in this case released by a teenager. At first the stories were what you'd normally expect here - gee, another footballer messing up, why can't they keep it in their pants, etc.

But the worm quickly turned. Rather than crawling into a corner and kissing his life goodbye, the footballer and his club have fought back. It looks like some young girl has gotten hold of the photos and is now releasing them out of spite - she'll only say that the footballer treated her 'badly' (read 'he wouldn't have sex with me', I think). Now, she's being dragged back to face court, and the club and the players are talking legal action and law suits, and suddenly she wishes she'd done this anonymously and is scared for what might happen. From her side it's the same old story, not a thought for the lives she is destroying, just poor her now that she might have to face the music - but from the point of view of the media and from seeing men stand up for themselves, this is excellent - I hope they throw the book at her and sue her pants off!

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