SAVE 2010 Report: An amazing year

From SAVE:

Below is SAVE’s annual report for 2010 - WOW! Is everyone ready for 2011? VAWA is up for reauthorization!


Website Development:
Did extensive upgrades and enhancements to the SAVE website:

Social Media:
Established Landing Pages, detailed content, and Facebook/Yahoo pages for
1. Victims/Survivors
2. DV Service Providers
3. Policymakers
4. Persons Falsely-Accused
Website traffic averages close to 100 persons per day. Falsely-accused Facebook page has 3,000-5,000 Post Views per day.

April: Turning the Tide
October: Domestic Violence Awareness Month
November: Protect Victims: Stop Mandatory Arrest

Radio Interviews:
Held 40 interviews around the country – estimated listenership: 2 million persons

Press Releases:
Issued 4 press releases

Established the SAVE Award for DV Prevention – awarded to Antelope Valley Domestic Violence Council

Lobbying Events:
Held 9 lobbying events throughout the year with an estimated 600 face-to-face staff meetings held

Worked to prevent passage of the following harmful bills (final outcome to be known upon adjournment of Congress):
Security and Financial Empowerment (SAFE) Act
International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA)

Distributed over 7,000 flyers to staffers in the House and Senate

Special Reports:
Released one new report: Predominant Aggressor: Allowing Abusers to Go Unaccountable?

Updated 14 other Special Reports

Coalition Building:
Strengthened and broadened the VAWA Reform Coalition

Established the State Domestic Violence Legislative Project – now in 11 states

Developed the VAWA Reform Agenda for 2011


Received 501c3 designation from the IRS

Hired paid staff to advance Social Media efforts and implement other SAVE projects
Conducted successful fund-raising activities

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