Men and Violence: Blaming the Blameless

Article here. Excerpt:

'The scholars at the Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity (SPSMM), a division of the American Psychological Association, have for some time been asserting a simple philosophy about violence and all other manner of social woes. It comes in two parts.

Men are the problem. Men are the solution.

Most recently, they posted an article tellingly titled, “Violence is a Men’s Issue,” to It is another in a continuation of efforts on their part to promote the idea that “toxic definitions of masculinity,” are the root culprit of much of our cultural violence, and that we must band together as men and confront each other till the problem is ameliorated.

All the article does, in reality, is provide a prime example of an egregiously thoughtless worldview, driven not by concern about violence, but by a mandate to promote a blind and sexist political ideology.'

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