Lawyer: Assange Faces 'Tough Climate' in Feminist-Friendly Sweden
Article here. Excerpt:
'(Dec. 8) -- Julian Assange, facing extradition to Sweden on sex crime allegations, may be in more trouble than he realizes in a country where feminism is a powerful force and courts often favor the woman in rape cases, one of the country's top defense lawyers said today.
Borgstrom, who represents Assange's two accusers, insisted in a news conference today that the allegations against the WikiLeaks founder are legitimate and not set up by the CIA or the U.S. government. Borgstrom's website was hacked by WikiLeaks supporters and unavailable for most of the day.
One of Assange's two accusers is also known for her strong feminist views, having once written a treatise on how to take revenge on men. Both she and Borgstrom have been active in the Social Democratic Party.
"Some of the laws regarding rape are rather extreme, and the way they are applied in court is sometimes unbelievable," Samuelson told AOL News. "To be accused of a sex crime in Sweden is considered very serious. Swedish courts tend to believe what the woman says."'
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i smell a new country music song
remember the 'remember when a smoke was just a smoke, crack meant you were
cracking jokes, etc.' song? it was a pretty big hit.
now we need a new one - remember when rape was really rape,
domestic violence was really violence, and child molestaion
wasn't something women used to get stuff in a divorce settlement?
remember when judges really judged, dads were really allowed to be dads,
and women wanted what was best for the whole family?
remember when the 'best interests of the child' wasn't used for reward,
and grandparents were sure to have some rights to see the little ones?
remember when folks didn't get arrested w/o a trial,
men and women were happy, children w/o 2 parents was rare,
and divorce was something somebody else had to worry about?
now if we can just put all that to music, we'll all be rich.