Child Murder: It Must be the Husband's Fault

On A Voice for Men, here. Excerpt:

'“Ju know, they say eet was the hoosbands fault,” announced the thirty something Mexican immigrant who was cutting my hair that day, two months before 9/11 changed the world. The big story of the moment was not about terrorists or toppled buildings, but about Andrea Yates, the Houston area mother of five that snuffed the life out of all of her children a mere half hour from where I live. And my stylist, using up every word of almost English in her repertoire, was attempting to 'splain to me how the whole mess could rightly be hung on the man.

“Oh, yeah?” I asked, unsurprised at the stupid remark, but too far into the haircut to get up and walk. “Who are they?” I was instantly pissed and made no effort to hide it.

She looked a bit nonplussed, then shrugged and said, “Somebody say eet on the noose.” She sounded less self assured; feebly attempting to distance herself from the remark. Apparently, the language barrier didn’t prevent her from picking up the tone in my voice.
Ontario’s Elaine Campione was really mad at her estranged husband, so she murdered their two daughters, Serena 3, and Sophia, 19 months, by drowning them both in the bathtub. It was reminiscent of the Yates case, only the attempts to issue this woman a p***y pass were significantly less veiled, and, so far, less successful.'

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