A Voice for Men: "Kimmel & Bits, Kimmel & Bits"
Article here. Excerpt:
'What Kimmel fails to grasp in his concepts is that men’s “idea of masculinity” has been socially criminalized and legislated as such. It is a street level experience that is less political and much more personal. Men no longer possess a concept of themselves that would offer a safe place to start or belong in the social equation. Men in fact are found guilty before a crime is ever committed. That guilt is assigned to masculinity only in the proximity of women, only in a social construct that includes women. It is less about a zero sum game than a negative sum prosecution for being a man. While many men may support doctrines such as Kimmel’s and support a feminist cause, they are only one finger point away from the truth. The role they play in their own lives is leased to them by women and requires no notice, evidence or reason under the law to terminate that agreement.
It would be equally true to identify that the “idea of femininity” has not changed in the female mind. Where it may have served the female cause for equality to rail for shared custody of children, they are steadfast in denying it, arguing their cause by criminalizing fathers. Such a paradigm as fathering may well represent a strong role model for change in male consciousness it is however not supported by women or their lick spittle legislators. This is the societal privilege for which Mr. Kimmel speaks that ultimately renders men invisible, particularly to their children. It is increasingly the case that young men are simply opting out of the social collaboration with women in an effort to hedge risk. It is specifically the area of risk in which maleness and masculinity reside and in this area where equality is silent. It is against issues such as these that evidence the real strides made are in fact not by women but by ministries of government, their funding and your tax dollars.'
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lost me in the first 2 paragraphs
Sarcasm? Irony? Logic Orbs, Survival satchel? What is this guy talking about? It would really help our cause if we all seemed more sane and less fucking crazy like this.
Feminist Men =
There is no sense of what it means to be a man any more
He's saying that men have no grounded real sense of what it means to be a man in American culture. In this gender identity area, all there is are negative stereotypes perpetuated by the Feminist establishment (rapist, dead-beat dad, pedophile, boyish fearful non-committer, etc.). Men don't define what it means to be a man any more. He is asking us to once again define who we are, from our genuine real experience. He suggests that we stop letting the government, and the Feminist establishment define who we are.