Mandatory Arrest: Time for the Body Count

Mandatory Arrest policies cause the deaths of 600 DV victims each year, and result in the false arrest of 700,000 persons each year:

Now, Stop Abusive and Violent Services (SAVE) is working to change VAWA so it incentivizes states to remove these stupid policies.

On Monday, we asked you to contact Sen. Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, once. On Tuesday, we asked you to contact Sen. Patrick Leahy three times. On Monday, we asked you to really cut loose, and contact the good senator eight times! (And if you make a few extra calls on Thursday, that’s perfectly fine with us!)

So how many times did you voice your strong disapproval of Mandatory Arrest this week?

Send your count by midnight Thursday, Nov. 18 to, along with your name and mailing address. The person who made the most calls and sent the most messages will be mailed a free copy of “Domestic Violence: Intervention, Prevention, Policies, and Solutions” by Richard Davis.

That’s right, we’re going do whatever it takes to stop harmful Mandatory Arrest policies! We won’t stop until we succeed.


Call Sen. Leahy’s office today. Tell him to STOP MANDATORY ARREST!

Politely phone his office: 202-224-4242

Or send an email: — for the Message Topic, select “Law Enforcement”

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