Turn up the Heat: Tell Sen. Leahy three times to "Stop Mandatory Arrests!"
From SAVE:
Every year one million Americans are arrested on charges of domestic violence. But only 30% of these persons are ever convicted of the “crime”. Which means about 700,000 Americans are wrongfully arrested for DV each and every year!!
Knowing that mandatory arrest also puts victims at greater risk, who in the right mind would support mandatory arrest??? The illogical domestic violence industry, that’s who!!
And who’s going to change this ridiculous state of affairs? We are!
On Tuesday, November 16, we are asking you to make 3 phone calls (or send 3 email messages) to Sen. Leahy, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Call Sen. Leahy’s office today. Tell him to STOP MANDATORY ARREST! Phone his office: 202-224-4242
Or send an email: http://leahy.senate.gov/contact/ — for the Message Topic, select “Law Enforcement”
P.S. Keep track of how many times you contact Sen. Leahy this week. Then let SAVE know how many messages you sent – HONOR SYSTEM!! Send the count of your messages by midnight Thursday, Nov. 18 to info-at-saveservices.org. The winner of the contest will receive a free copy of “Domestic Violence: Intervention, Prevention, Policies, and Solutions” by Richard Davis.
P.P.S. See SAVE’s Special Report on Arrest for Domestic Violence: http://www.saveservices.org/downloads/Justice-Denied-DV-Arrest-Policies
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