A nice satire on pro-circumcision blogs and articles

Link here. Excerpt:

'How To Write About Circumcision
A guide for bloggers and journalists
Circumcision is really, really trivial, so it doesn't really matter what you write. Flippancy is essential. Make sure you use the word "snip" at least once, and any wordplay, such as "snip the tip" is guaranteed to cause hilarity. Because circumcision is so trivial, anyone who opposes it may be ridiculed.
Mention the African HIV-circumcision trials and imply they prove that circumcising developed-world babies will reduce their chance of getting HIV by "up to 60%" (or 70% or 80%, whatever you're happy with)

By all means interview couples who decided to circumcise their sons. You can safely attribute any frivolous reasons you happen to support to them. Bathroom splatter, zipper injury, teasing by friends, all belong here.
By all means interview doctors who make their living from circumcision. Their motives are purely altruistic, as they will tell you themselves.'

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