Re-sentencing starts in Texas husband stabbed case
Story here. Excerpt:
'HOUSTON (AP) — A woman who tied her husband to the bed, stabbed him 193 times and buried his body in the backyard is lying when she claims she did so after years of abuse, prosecutors told jurors Monday during her sentencing hearing.
Susan Wright, 34, is being re-sentenced for the 2003 murder of her 34-year-old husband, Jeffrey. She was initially sentenced to 25 years in prison, but the Texas Court of Appeals last year tossed the sentence, agreeing with Wright that her trial lawyers were deficient because they failed to present testimony from witnesses that would have bolstered the abuse claims.
During her opening statement Monday, Harris County prosecutor Connie Spence told jurors Wright lied about being physically abused by her husband to try to justify the killing.
She said it was only after Wright killed her husband that began telling family and friends that she had been abused. Wright even went to police and took out a restraining order against Jeffrey Wright after stabbing him to promote her false story of abuse, Spence said.
"There were 193 stab wounds inflicted from head to toe," Spence said. "There were wounds to the head, face, neck, chest, abdomen, sexual organ, thighs. These were all inflicted to the front of Jeffrey Wright's body...consistent with somebody restrained, on his back."'
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Imagine that
A woman kills her husband and then lies about him being abusive.
When the powers-that-be said it was okay for women to kill abusive husbands, it never occurred to them women might lie about the abuse to justify an unjustified murder.
beg to differ el cid
" it never occurred to them women might lie about the abuse to justify
an unjustified murder.", as opposed to a justified murder?
it is true that women never lie, so i see where you are coming from.
and just look how quickly they are trying to shut it all down, legally.
just goes to prove how much they (the powers) care, one way or another.
wasn't it the next day, after (in Australia) they let the woman free who set
up an animal blind/stand and ambushed her husband with a high powered rifle,
that there was a copycat? literal killing fields. what, no coverage?
kill babies, kill men. it was always just a logical extension.
guess poison was getting too easy to spot.
sure am glad women are no where near as dangerous as men, like in d.v. world.
cause we are living in bizaro world when it comes to getting females their every desire.
imho it sort of resembles a type of worship of all things feminist.
I had in mind a specific case where the prosecutor declined to file charges against a woman because he ruled her murder of her husband a "justifiable homicide."
Why? Because she told him he was abusive.
I agree, however, that we do worship all things female. Women have become our new religion.