New Life for Men on College Campuses

From A Voice for Men, here. Excerpt:

'The lives of most boys and men are now more unfulfilling than ever before in postmodern America. It is situation the beginnings of which arguably can be traced back to the post-World War II generation of men. That is an important history to be told. In general, misandry—typically dressed down in the media in the tatters of bad jokes—has by now produced two generations of males born since 1975 who feel less than welcome at home, in the workplace, and especially at school.

This state of affairs is slowly coming into focus in our public collective sensibility even while the slack water of a turning tide has made it seem that things are at a standstill for men and boys. They are not. A movement is underway that is proactive. It is taking hold in colleges and universities, even as the enrollment of young men in college nationwide (now at about 39%, an all-time small proportion of male post-secondary students) continues to decrease. Significant spaces are opening up: men’s centers where small groups of young males can meet informally to talk about what is important to them, their doubts and concerns, their hopes and aspirations.'

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the enrollment of young men in college nationwide (now at about 39%, an all-time small proportion of male post-secondary students) continues to decrease.

And some people don't want to believe that there is a shortage of skilled labor force in America. )) The more quickly American economics will be transferred abroad, the more quickly feminism will have lost its last economic base in America.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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