UK: Surrey woman jailed for false rape claim, theft

Story here. Excerpt:

'Kate Woodhead made her claim against Paul Joseph after he told her their 18-month relationship was over, Guildford Crown Court was told.

The 31-year-old, from Ripley, told police Mr Joseph had drugged her before attacking her.

She then stole belongings of his worth about £25,000.

Judge Neil Stewart said he had no option but to send her to prison.

The court heard Woodhead, who ran livery stables in Surrey, went to police with a friend in April 2009 and made the false allegation.

She then stole property including an expensive stereo and art prints, and transferred ownership of her ex-boyfriend's sports car and motorcycle to her own name.

Mr Joseph was arrested and questioned by police but the rape allegation was dropped when officers became suspicious that Woodhead had made it up.

Judge Stewart said the offences were part of a "deliberate and vindictive" campaign waged against Mr Joseph.

He added: "These offences therefore must be seen as devious and manipulative and you are wholly unrepentant."'

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no option but to jail her?

and i bet you looked long and hard for one.

what, the spotlight make you shy about turning them loose

as usual?

i bet he apologizes to her in private.

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True, he presently has no other options. A false accusation of rape is of course a rape but our social mores don't see female rapists as serious as male rapists for some reason I can't fathom. Maybe there is a brighter day ahead?

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