Australia: Schoolboy hung by neck on pole in act of bullying, gov't does nothing

Link to article here. In full:

'A South Australian schoolboy has reportedly been hung from a pole by his neck in an apparent incident of bullying.

The Adelaide Advertiser says the education department is looking into the event at Para Hills High School in Adelaide's north which took place in September when the 13-year-old was tethered to a pole by three other students by a velcro strap around his neck.

The boy's mother's told the paper that the school didn't tell her about the incident which caused her son to lose his voice for two weeks.'

Follow-up article here. Excerpt:

'A teenage boy who was hung from a pole by his neck by school bullies has been abandoned by the South Australian government, the Liberals say.
Two months after the assault at Para Hills High School the boy's mother still hasn't seen the perpetrators held accountable, counselling for her son or a proper investigation, Mr Pisoni said in a statement on Tuesday.'

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