Obama Pleads for Women’s Vote

Article here. Excerpt:

'Barack Obama’s pandering to the feminists makes him look like the suitor who is unwilling to face up to his beloved’s announcing she will marry another man. In desperation, he showers her with expensive gifts, hoping to win back her favor.
Obama’s principal plan to nail down the loyalty of the feminists is to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act (PFA). It has already passed the House and Majority Leader Harry Reid plans a Senate vote in a mischievous Lame Duck session.

This bill would amend the Equal Pay Act (EPA) to shift decision-making about wages and salaries from employers to judges and juries, a longtime goal of the feminists who want wages to be based on subjective motions of “worth” rather than on market rates. The Paycheck Fairness Act (PFA) would also reward another Obama constituency by opening a lucrative channel for trial lawyers to file class-action lawsuits against employers and collect punitive damages in unlimited amounts.

The PFA would give the courts the power to micromanage all personnel decisions. That’s a goal the feminists have sought for nearly 30 years under the slogans “pay equity” and “comparable worth.”
For example, a woman earning less than a more experienced man could argue that work experience is not a “bona fide” factor because the employer could have eliminated the disparity by the “alternative employment practice” of training the woman for the job.
The NEC report pegs its argument to the feminists’ false whine that women are paid only “77 cents for every dollar paid to men.” And, the White House brought out Valerie Jarrett to threaten that bad Republicans in Congress would take away benefits for women.'

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Good find Anthony. I learned alot from it.

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Pay equity, comparable worth, whatever.

It all means that your paycheck depends less on your value as an employee and more on the influence of your political lobby.

Why work hard when you net a better income by purchasing politicians?

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Let's see. If job A and job B are equally valuable to a company, but 3/4 of applicants can or are willing to do job A and only 1/100 can or are willing to do job B, what does the company do? Normally pay more for job B.

But we don't live in normal times. Job A will be filled; job B won't because comparable worth dictates that both jobs pay the same.

Truly a clusterfuk.

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to create more 'handout for halfwits' programs.

if only they could actually compete on a level playing field,

you wouldn't need all this corrupt socialist crap, huh?


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