NY Post: 'Stifled by feminism'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Republican Sharron Angle famously told Sen. Harry Reid to "man up" during a Nevada debate this month -- the implication being that Reid is a wuss, or not man enough to do his job. You'll get no argument from me, but I did note Reid didn't fire back at his opponent. That's because feminists have taught him well.

When faced with whether or not to make a disparaging remark about the female gender, most men know to keep their mouths shut.

In politics today, women can do and say whatever they want about the opposite sex, but men can't do likewise. "You can't come back on gender grounds to a female candidate," says Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania.

The double standard -- that women have free rein when it comes to gender issues but men don't -- is evident on every front.
Indeed, the power feminists have had in this country is so great -- and so destructive -- Americans can't even admit there are biological differences between men and women. You may recall what happened in 2005 when Larry Summers, then Harvard University's president, suggested the underrepresentation of women in the top levels of science and engineering could be due to a "different availability of aptitude at the high end" and the different career choices women freely make as a result of their maternal proclivities.
In the meantime, buried beneath the surface lies the truth: American feminism has been a disaster. According to a 2007 report from the National Bureau of Economic Research, "As women have gained more freedom, more education and more power, they have become less happy."

Does that mean freedom, education and even power are bad for women? No. But the fact that women in America (and the men in their lives) have been conditioned to believe they are second-class citizens, in need of special attention and support, has not made women any happier. On the contrary, it has driven a wedge between the sexes -- and made wusses out of men.

It's time for the men of America to man up and fight back.'

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