NOW refuses comment on Gawker’s Christine O’Donnell sex smear

Article here. Noting like politics to make everyone just wee less than true to their stated cause(s)... but NOW fairly excels at it! Excerpt:

'Following gossip website Gawker’s publication of an anonymous story alleging a one-night encounter between the author and Republican senatorial candidate for Delaware Christine O’Donnell, the National Organization for Women has refused comment. “We’re going to pass on this one,” Mai Shiozaki told The Examiner. I asked if this is generally a topic they try to stay away from. “Thanks, we’re passing.”

NOW played a prominent role in demanding Anita Hill’s charges against then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas “be heard in a public forum.” But that was politically convenient — after all, one of NOW’s “important missions” is “fighting the right wing.”

Similarly, the California chapter of NOW stood by Democrat gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown, even as it had initially been critical of him and his campaign for referring to his Republican opponent, Meg Whitman, as a “whore” in a private conversation that was recorded and released to the public. The president of the chapter merely dismissed it as a poor choice of words, but ultimately justified it: “The very troubling issue that is embedded in that call is what prompted the description of Meg as a ‘whore’ is basically that she sold out Californians for an endorsement and a $450,000 independent expenditure campaign.”'

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