Action request from SAVE

Via email:

All –

The President has unveiled a new domestic violence program that is transparently designed to sway the upcoming November 2 election. WE MUST ACT NOW.

On Thursday and Friday, Oct. 28-29, we are asking you to telephone your Senators and Representative in Washington DC at 1-202-224-3121 and deliver this simple message: “Stop playing politics with Domestic Violence. Speak out against President Obama’s untested DV plan. We need abuse prevention programs that are based on sound science, and do not ignore half of all abuse victims.”

Don’t call just once. Call several times, spacing your calls about an hour apart.

And for extra emphasis, send an email to White House Domestic Violence czar Lynne Rosenthal: with the same message. Politely direct Ms. Rosenthal to SAVE’s plan to improve domestic violence programs at

We’re hopping mad about this politically-calculated display of DV bias, and we’re not going to take it lying down.

Say it politely, and do it now.

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