Pre-nups now recognised in UK (but only when he wants to claim off her)

Would you believe it? For years pre-nups have not been recognised in law in the UK on grounds of public policy. That has now changed with this case and, you've guessed it, this volte-face came about when a man was trying to claim from his ex-wife. Notice how there's also plenty of wiggle room for judges not to enforce pre-nups in future, if they, i.e. when a woman's claiming offf her ex. Looks like a typical piece of backward reasoning, i.e. reach a decision and then construct an argument to justify it.

Another aspect of the case which was reported when the Court of Appeal decision was announced, but was not commented on, was that the marriage broke down in 2003 after he gave up his lucrative banking career to pursue a less well-paid, but evidently more satisfying, career as a university researcher, at Oxford, not some tin-pot university. The couple clearly did not need his banking salary to fund their lifestyle, so clearly either she felt that he was 'sponging' off her, or her view of him changed when he was no longer an ambitious, go-getting banker. Of course women make career decisions based on job satisfaction, rather than money all the time and that is empowering, as this article demonstrates.

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