'Abused Men In Scotland' launched Oct. 15, 2010

Web site: http://www.abusedmeninscotland.org/. From the Why AMIS link:

'Men In Scotland (MIS) was initially set up as a blog and forum to accompany our ePetition to the Scottish Parliament on male victims of domestic abuse. We are setting up this new website, Abused Men In Scotland (AMIS) to provide information and support for men in Scotland who experience domestic abuse or violence and anyone willing to help. We added the word 'abused' to the name to clarify the purpose of the charity.

In order for support services for men to be properly established we felt there was a need first to raise an awareness and understanding of the problem - particularly for our policy makers and service providers. The current focus of government and other agencies on domestic abuse/violence as ‘violence against women’ has had the unintended consequence of leaving men on the receiving end of domestic abuse/violence and their children unacknowledged and unsupported.'

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