"Buyer's Remorse" and Rape

This story provides partial transcripts regarding Ken Buck's decision not to prosecute an alleged rape. Similar stories have also appeared in the Huffington Post and Salon (though I don't have links to those stories.)

Ken Buck is the Republican candidate for the Colorado senate seat. His opponent is Democrat Michael Bennet. Apparently, someone from ProgressNow tracked down the alleged victim in this case and obtained a recording she made of her interview with Buck.

Given the totality of the evidence, Buck decided not to prosecute. He also consulted with members of the Boulder DA's office, who concurred with his decision. He told the alleged victim the jury would likely view this as a case of "buyer's remorse." That last comment has stirred a lot of controversy and Buck's being accused of being "insensitive" to women.

The story raises issues that are of likely interest to readers of this forum.

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