Stacy Bannerman’s Domestic Violence Hoax

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last week Stacy Bannerman, well-known advocate for military families, published an article titled, “Husbands Who Bring the War Home:” Author of When the War Came Home, Bannerman has been credited with helping to secure passage of the Military Family Leave Act in 2009.
As a columnist who specializes in the field of domestic violence and who has spoken with countless victims of abuse, I found myself feeling increasingly unsettled as I worked my way through her engaging yet enigmatic essay.

The question of the veracity of her claims is paramount because the partner abuse field is strewn with the battlefield debris of half-truths, misrepresentations, and utter fabrications. University of New Hampshire researcher Murray Straus has written of domestic violence researchers who “have let their ideological commitments overrule their scientific commitments.” And University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work Dean Richard Gelles has coined the whimsical phrase about the ubiquitous partner abuse “factoids from nowhere.”'

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