US woman faked being a boy to date girl

Link to story here. Excerpt:

'A 31-year-old Ohio woman has admitted to posing as a teenage boy so she could date a teenage girl, pleading guilty to misdemeanor sexual imposition.

A prosecutor's spokesman says Patricia Dye also pleaded guilty on Wednesday to misdemeanor attempted sexual imposition and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

A judge in Warren County Juvenile Court in Lebanon sentenced Dye to six months in jail.
Dye's lawyer says Dye feels remorse and has learned from the experience.'

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Learned what?

I suppose it is progress of sorts that NINEMSN has been able to lead two days in row with stories of womens poor conduct without proffering excuses.


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poor woman, got six months (few weeks at most) for having sex with (2) underage girls.

let me recall - the Freedom Project has managed to get over 250 innocent men freed from prison
using accidentally saved D.N.A., with an average term served of 17 years, mostly for rape.
this was done (usually) over the objections of the d.a.'s, who fought to keep them in prison.

only in the last decade or so were women even arrested for these offenses, and this is just
a typically tough sentence.

look around you. the african half-wit these fools (52%) put in charge proudly wears his 'this is what
a feminist looks like' t-shirt for all to see. the v.p., speaker, and top senate stupido
are all avowed feminists. he!!, biden is the one who introduced the man-hating porkulus v.a.w.a.
billion$ every year goes where no man need ask.

feminists, and their followers, are responsible for the mess we are facing as a nation, and the world.
never have so many owed $o much for listening to so few. and still no one dares blame feminists for the devastation.
why you ask? because almost every modern woman still claims to be some sort of feminist;
and, we all know what happens to men who say anything disparaging about women. they don't get any.

so here we are. trying to fight to save our world as we know it, and not a word being said to identify
the real enemy of mankind, the priveleged ones. the ones who started this whole mess. the ones whose
name cannot be told. yeah, i see no real battle going on. if one body politic looses, the leeches just jump to
another host, and another, and another. never not claiming to be feminists, just a different kind each time.

wonder which wave will be the one to finally drown us all?

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