UK: Circumcision clinic run by female doctor seeks clients specifically for non-medical reasons
Submitted by Minuteman on Sun, 2010-10-03 04:27
Link to clinic site here. Excerpt (emphasis not added):
'The Haven Surgery now offers a circumcision service for male babies for religious or cultural reasons, from the ages of 4 - 24 weeks.
This service is not for circumcisions for medical reasons
She will be assisted by a female nurse.
Should you wish to take advantage of this special service, please contact the Haven Surgery by telephone.'
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Why can't I bring in my daughter age 4-24 weeks to be circumcised for a non-medical reason? Sounds like discrimination to me!
And what's the deal with the all female surgical team? What's this obsession with cutting off little pieces of man(boy)hood? It's a damn good thing the penis is not a detachable item or we'd really be in trouble (starting @ 1:50).
"Relatively painless" like
"Relatively painless" like "discomfort", is a euphemism for "painful".
I also hope that linking to this site helps counteract the propensity among some Intactivists to let adult females 'off the hook' for their complicity in the medically unnecessary circumcision of male minors.
I find it frustrating that women are alternately portrayed as benevolently acting in what they see as being in the best interests of their sons, or haplessly at the mercy of the heartless male medical establishment, all the while the darker motives they have for wanting this done to their male children being overlooked.
I appreciate that campaigners need to play realpolitik and that being seen to attack women is bad PR, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating.