Two women charged in domestic violence cases

Story here. Two women were recently charged in separate cases. One case involved a lesbian couple. The other involved a woman who convinced a boyfriend to beat up her 62-year-old ex.

Hell does occasionally freeze over. Excerpt:

'Two Denver women were formally charged today in separate domestic-violence cases.

Annette Martinez, 47, was charged with second-degree assault resulting in serious injury. She allegedly kicked her partner of 10 years in the face on Wednesday, breaking her nose, according to the Denver District Attorney's Office.

Sophia Newson-Westlund, 47, allegedly drove to her ex-husband's home on Sept. 19 and lured the 62-year-old out of his house.

Another man who was with Newson-Westlund punched and beat her ex-husband repeatedly. Newson-Westlund was charged with third-degree assault of an at-risk adult.'

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Feel free to use from this on other d.v. stories if you like.

"This prosecution of violent women is all too rare. V.P. Biden recently called violence against women, "the very worst abuse." The very worst abuse is valuing one life less than another for having been born the wrong sex. Under Biden's Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) the wrong sex is men. Shelter and services are virtually non-existent for male victims of domestic violence so those options out of a bad relationship, that are routinely available to women, are very often not available to men. Men wind up gender profiled by the taxpayer funded, d.v. industry, because of gender feminist ideology controlling the d.v. industry. Men are often battered by domestic violence, then battered again by the corrupt, taxpayer funded, domestic violence industry. Credible research overwhelmingly shows that the ratio of d.v. is at least 50/50 between women & men. According to one study by researchers who work at the CDC, in 70% of domestic violence incidents, where the domestic violence is not mutual, it's women who initiate the domestic violence. The taxpayer funded domestic violence industry has mischaracterized the true nature of d.v. from the beginning and continues to mislead the public. D.V. law follows a gender feminist agenda/ideology over facts in evidence and does great harm to many innocent men (and also many battering women who need help) as shown in "Los Misandry"

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Someone did use your comment, so thanks for posting it. (Maybe it was you; it's hard to know)

One difference between now and, say, ten years ago is that a lot of people will post pro-male comments doubting the feminist paradigm. That's good to see. The message is getting out. At one time almost no one--except a few brave souls--ever questioned the feminist view publicly.

So thanks.

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