NY woman found guilty of fatally poisoning boyfriend with antifreeze mixed into margaritas

Story here. Excerpt:

'CANANDAIGUA, N.Y. - A woman has been found guilty of manslaughter in death of her boyfriend, who drank a jug of margaritas laced with antifreeze at their apartment in western New York.
Cynthia Galens was charged with murder in January, three months after Air Force veteran Thomas Stack died from complications of ethylene glycol poisoning. But a grand jury opted in February for a less severe first-degree manslaughter charge.

The 52-year-old Galens has been on trial for four days. The trial began Monday.

Investigators say she told them Stack was emotionally and physically abusive and she decided to exact revenge by pouring a shot glass of the toxic automotive chemical into a margarita mix. Stack died four days later.

Galens says she intended to make him sick, not kill him.'

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the old reliable 'he was abusive' card.

works every time. she'll walk. maybe a token sentence.

no evidence or fear for a life required, eh preacher?

ambushing husbands with guns is the current fad.

the old reliable poison thing is soooo yeserday.

let's see, abuse now includes not letting her spend enough,

raising your voice to her, not talking to her enough, and on and on.

guess just about any excuse is a good excuse to kill a man.

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