Local group pushes for all-male school

Story here. Excerpt:

'Members of an Annapolis organization are so concerned about boys' academic performance that they want to create an all-male school.

Brian Tucker of Concerned Citizens for Successful Students approached the county Board of Education last week about tailoring an academic program specifically for male students. It would operate either as an entire school or as an academic initiative geared just toward boys. The plan is in its early stages and the group is discussing it with county officials.
There has been an ongoing debate about the value of single-sex education and whether both boys and girls benefit from it equally.

The National Organization for Women opposes such efforts, saying they "increase sexism and exacerbate feelings of superiority toward women," according to the group's website. But officials of the National Association for Single Sex Public Education support the concept, offering training to teachers so they can provide opportunities that do not exist in coed environments.'

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... if the single sex in question is male. Amazing how blatant they are with their 2x-standards yet somehow manage to keep straight faces.

My own opinion is that single-sex schools shouldn't be public-funded and in fact even private ones are of questionable moral or legal validity. As with private clubs that are public except in that they exclude people based on indelible characteristics, I don't think it is something that ought to be supported. The very principle of excluding people from places, events, opportunities, etc. because of their gender, skin color, etc. seems utterly incompatible with the idea of achieving fairness and equality. As Christine Sommers pointed out though in one of her books, feminism got highjacked and it went from being about seeking fairness in this or that realm for women as a group to seeking female supremacy over men by any means necessary, including engaging in hate campaigns and demagoguery that is truly world-class in its reach. The net result has been that it's perfectly fine to discriminate against men in every way convenient to do so but against no other class of person. This is what feminism has done.

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"The National Organization for Women opposes such efforts, saying they "increase sexism and exacerbate feelings of superiority toward women," according to the group's website. But officials of the National Association for Single Sex Public Education support the concept, offering training to teachers so they can provide opportunities that do not exist in coed environments."

NOW is supporting a sexist status quo. Its not about perceived sexism its actually been played out. Boys do worse than girls in academics; it is a fact to say that. It is also true that the education system has failed boys and is denying them their due opportunities.

Exacerbate feelings of superiority towards women in WHOM? Boys... is that who? Are they would be oppressors and that is why your ignoring their serious issues?

Can someone please tell me if NOW is primarily deluded or are they just seeking domination and using rhetoric. Either way its atrocious; they have no shame.

Their opposition should be used as ammunition against NOW.

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    Can someone please tell me if NOW is primarily deluded or are they just seeking domination and using rhetoric.

Since its inception N.O.W. has had a large faction that sought domination—"It's our turn!"—and that faction formally gained ascendancy around 1978 (probably the busiest year in feminist history), silencing the equality faction by essentially re-defining "equality" as "empowerment." It is a truism that any movement becomes radical without opposition. Whereas some feminists are deluded (NAFALT*), all feminist organizations are deliberately malicious, hiding their evil in rhetoric.
For example, in NYC in the early 90s NOW came out heavily against the proposed boys school in Harlem, and then chancellor Rudy Crew folded like a pair of deuces. Later when the Girls Leadership school was proposed, NOW gaved a muted, one-line objection (for the record), and the school was created, enjoying great success today.

Nowadays, NOW doesn't even feel the need to hide their hypocrisy.

*NAFALT=Not All Feminists Are Like That

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"Nowadays, NOW doesn't even feel the need to hide their hypocrisy."

That's what I had trouble believing. Their so far out there, but your right. Its amazing... evil.

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