Women and the Death Penalty

Article here. Excerpt:

'Teresa Lewis, a 41-year-old Virginia woman who admitted murdering her husband and his son, has run out of appeals and is set to be executed Thursday. Her co-conspirators were given life without parole, and Lewis' attorneys have argued that new evidence shows they were actually the masterminds of the plot -- therefore her sentence is unfair. She also has an IQ of 72, which means she's borderline mentally retarded.

Nearly all the stories I've seen mention how rare it is for women to be executed; she would be the only woman to be executed in the country in five years -- in Virginia it's been nearly a century. I understand the desire of news writers to point out rarities; it makes the story more important. But in this case, it also implies that most of the 1,226 other executions the United States has carried out since 1976, the vast majority of which are of men, are normal.'

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the Freedom Project has freed over 250 men, falsely accused MEN,
with an average sentence of around 17 years served?
most, if not all of these sentences were overturned against the wishes
of the prosecutors, and on d.n.a. evidence that was 'accidentally' saved.

these clowns don't deserve the right to sentence anybody to death.
how many innocent people lie in the ground because of this parade of fools?

women aren't executed because of feminist tainted laws, made for women.
men are the only ones being put to death for the same reasons.
it actually costs more to execute someone than keep them in jail for life,
what with the appeals and such. but all those lawyers want $$$.
that's why judges seldom call lawyers on stupid lawsuits.
don't tip the rice bowl.

mistakes are made every day. those words our forefathers were so fond of,
justice, fairness, truth, equality are not words familar to this bunch.
they won't change on their own, and those stripes won't wash off.

think about this - very soon now, most lawyers and judges will be women.
from what i have seen, most of those will be feminists.
it looks like the dry rot that plagues this country runs deep;
and, it is spreading like the wildfire of corruption that will consume it.

i fear for the future of my country.

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