Men falsely confessing to rape under duress

Article here. The headline tries to make it sound general, but the article clearly is about this phenomenon. Rule #1: When accused of a crime, keep your damn mouth shut, no matter how persistent and annoying your interrogators are. Excerpt:

'KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Eddie Lowery lost 10 years of his life for a crime he did not commit. There was no physical evidence at his trial for rape, but one overwhelming factor put him away: he confessed.

At trial, the jury heard details that prosecutors insisted only the rapist could have known, including the fact that the rapist hit the 75-year-old victim in the head with the handle of a silver table knife he found in the house. DNA evidence would later show that another man committed the crime. But that vindication would come only years after Mr. Lowery had served his sentence and was paroled in 1991.
But more than 40 others have given confessions since 1976 that DNA evidence later showed were false, according to records compiled by Brandon L. Garrett, a professor at the University of Virginia School of Law. Experts have long known that some kinds of people — including the mentally impaired, the mentally ill, the young and the easily led — are the likeliest to be induced to confess. There are also people like Mr. Lowery, who says he was just pressed beyond endurance by persistent interrogators.'

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I left this comment:

"A lot of men are witch-hunted for rape, or domestic violence by the corrupt, gender feminist influenced, taxpayer funded, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). I would never believe anything a gender feminist trained police officer testifies to in a court of law, nor would I ever follow any instructions about domestic violence, or rape laws from a gender feminist trained judge. Anyone who does so is very foolish. "Los Misandry" shows the corruption that exists in America's taxpayer funded, gender feminist based, VAWA laws."

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