Feminism going too far in Spain, "men's lib" claims

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'Madrid (dpa) - Women's rights need to be defended, most Spaniards agree - but do men need their own liberation movement as well?

Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's progressive women's rights policies have sparked a debate on whether his campaign for the equality of the sexes has gone too far.

Spain's gender legislation 'discriminates against men,' who are not protected adequately from female violence against them, men's rights activist Domingo Gonzalez Alonso claims.
Zapatero, a self-confessed feminist, took a strong stance in favour of gender equality by appointing Spain's first half-female cabinet after his election victory in 2004.

After winning a second term in 2008, Zapatero created Spain's first Equality Ministry.

Legislation adopted in 2004 turned Spain into one of the most progressive European countries regarding women's rights, the government says.

The law defines gender violence exclusively as male violence against women. Violence exercised by women against men comes under ordinary criminal law.

Men should be penalized more severely than women for similar acts of domestic violence, the Constitutional Court confirmed in a recent ruling.
The government has rejected making shared custody the national norm. Irresponsible fathers could claim custody of their children only for economic reasons, government gender violence delegate Miguel Lorente Acosta pointed out.'

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