Miami: Baby Gets Circumcised Against Family's Wishes

Article here. Excerpt:

"Mario Viera is just four weeks old. When he was born, his mom says she told doctors at South Miami Hospital several times that she did not want Mario circumcised.

"It's a big hospital," said Vera Delgado, Mario's mother. "It's a good hospital, and I thought he's safe, he's good there."

But eight days after his birth, without his mother even present, doctors performed the surgery.

"I was crying. I spent that day and the next day crying," Delgado told CBS4's Gio Benitez exclusively.

It turns out every man in Mario's family is uncircumcised. It's a family tradition.'"

Also covered here. Excerpt:

"Vera Delgado gave birth to her son, Mario Viera, at South Miami Hospital, seven weeks ago. Mario spent 10 days in intensive care for complications related to his birth. During this time, hospital staff asked Delgado and her husband if they wanted Mario to be circumcised. "Every time that the doctor asked if we're going to have the circumcision on him, we always say no. Always. All the time, we always say no because we always think that it was unnecessary surgery for him," said Delgado."

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You can read these and other intactivism-related articles on "The Intactivism Pages" website. Link:

Parents be warned that South Miami Hospital has at least one pathological cutter on its staff.

A question redux: what is driving this urge of the U.S. medical establishment to impose male circumcision on reluctant populations?

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They gave him a tylenol... disgusting!

Just the image I get from a helpless baby needing pain medication for having his genitals cut in what is an all too nonchalant procedure.

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