Playboy model nearly kills everyone on plane, no charges filed

Article here. So, she knew she had anxiety issues and flew in a plane without medicating herself anyway. She forgot to. Well, no matter, she almost brought the plane down while trying to 'stabilize herself', presumably on the emergency door handle? And guess what? No charges. Fellas, don't YOU try this. Now as for the (male) flight attendant who, while the plane was on the ground, merely harangued the passengers then jumped down the escape chute-- he is facing felony charges. Is there a double-standard at work here? You betchya! Excerpt:

'A Playboy model was detained after claims she tried to open a plane door mid flight after she suffered an anxiety attack.
Tiffany Livingston, 21, reportedly suffered the attack as she was aboard the JetBlue Flight 522 from Orlando to Newark when passengers claim she tried to open the door at 10,000ft.

She was detained when the plane landed but was released hours later. Federal investigators who interviewed her after the flight concluded that she was not trying to open the door, instead she was trying to stabilise herself following the panic attack which was caused by turbulence.

A source close to Miss Livingston told the New York Post: “She said she’s gone through this before, but never this bad, and didn’t have ... her medication”.'

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Thanks for the article. I think that it is sometimes a good idea to spell out the double standards in prosecution and rulings with respect to gender. Though, alot of times we can just let the reader determine whether or not there has been discrimination and make the necessary connections themselves. Overall a pattern should be recognized...

These types of news articles keep the issue fresh in our minds, makes things tangible and relevant, and can help expose/counter bias in the main stream media.

(Examples are a good way to start discussions. We don't usually do it here but you can go to the articles comment section and point out double standards in rulings, prosecutions, and reporting of female crime.)

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It's so easy to ignore the 2x-standards when authorities are pursuing (or not) charges against someone due to their sex, since this is so commonplace that it is easy to just become desensitized to it, even for MRAs. Fish raised in a dirty pond can know they are in a dirty pond once someone points it out to them, but being in that pond nonetheless day in and day out, they can easily forget it or give up on ever hoping to find a clean(er) pond, or make the one they have clean, especially if more pollutants just keep getting dumped into it.

Regularly reading this and other MRA sites, it can feel like you are just getting the same thing thrown at you all the time. This is true, because it is the same misandrist claptrap day in and day out. Forgetting about it, ignoring it, chalking it up to "the usual" and stopping pointing it out simply because it seems repetitive... No. We can't do that. We can never just start ignoring it just because we're getting tired of talking about it or bringing it up. We can't stop doing so until we change the minds that need changing, the attitudes that need changing, the laws that need changing, the societies that need changing... We can never, ever, ever... give up.

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I don't think this qualifies as a "double standard". Stating that she "nearly killed everyone" is a complete exaggeration. The article states that it was determined that she was NOT trying to open the door. The hatch door wont even open at 10,000 ft. due to safety features as well as air pressure that would make it physically impossible.

I may change my mind if more details come forward, but so far it does not appear that anyone on board was in any danger and no laws were broken

As far as the JET Blue guy, he did actually break laws by opening the hatch, being on the tarmac, and illegally exiting the airport, but I do hope his charges are reduced, since no one was hurt and he did provide some humor for most of us.

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Yes, that was dangerous!

I'm not going to invest much time in this but 10,000ft is not very high when you consider that "cruising altitude" is about 35,000ft. I think the pressure differential can be "overcome" at that altitude. Also you may have heard the phrase "a drop in cabin pressure". Due to some failure the cabin pressure might go down and again the pressure differential can be overcome.

Maybe there's an extra saftey feature and maybe there isn't but I sure wouldn't want to bet the passengers life that it is there and that its working properly.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I would think its illegal or able to be prosecuted if I try to open the latch mid flight... (a bit more concerning when its mid flight right?)

The witnesses said she tried to open the latch..

"The article states that it was determined that she was NOT trying to open the door."

Actually, FEDERAL INVESTIGATORS determined she was not trying to open the latch, which contradicts what witnesses on the planew were saying (after only being detained a few hours).

That is exactly what I have a problem with is the federal investigations quick determination that goes against the witnesses based on what... and for the fact that no charges were pressed for what is a serious offense.

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They should be pursuing further action, it rests in the shoulder of the rest of the passengers. This is probably not only gender double standard, being a playboy model she should have the backing of big time vultures...I mean...lawyers.

If I see a person trying to open the door of my plane while we are at 10k feet, I know I would.

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In the current climate of anti-terrorism hysteria and it's sequelae for aviation safety, there can be no doubt that any Man behaving in this manner would have been prosecuted to the full extent of the law, regardless of the circumstances. That to me is the central issue of articles such as this.

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"If there were witnesses..."

That's the problem - there really aren't any, at least I haven't read any evidence of witnesses that saw her attempt to open the emergency door.

Some news outlets reported "passenger(s) thought Tiffany Livingston was trying to open the door" giving the impression that many passengers were frightened and alarmed, and there are multiple witnesses, etc. And some say she "bolted from her seat towards the emergency exit". I haven't seen any witness names printed or attached to any of these reports (if they really exist then why aren't they getting their 15 minutes of fame?). I believe these reports are sensationalizing the story since it involves a Playboy model.

If you fly frequently, you would know that bolting from your seat to the emergency door is almost impossible and would require trampling over people.** Certainly she would have been restrained for the remainder of the flight if this really happened.

I believe a paranoid passenger saw here touch the latch and became suspicious and reported it to a flight attendant. That led to an investigation after the flight landed and a few other people confirmed seeing her touch the latch, but nothing more than that.

Until I have more proof of wrongdoing, I can see why she isn't being charged. (I would like to know where the emergency door was, where she was seated, and how many witnesses came forward)

**Sometimes there is an emergency exit at the back of the plane with some standing room where people wait for the restroom, stretch their legs, etc.. I suppose she could have been there, and with strong turbulence as reported, she could have touched the latch to steady herself - but again - it is impossible to open at 10,000 ft., so no one was in any danger.

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So your going to pick and choose what you want to believe from the news reports... then make a bunch of speculative claims to support your own story. (Its ok to be wrong or have people disagree)

By the reported story it was dangerous and there was wrong doing. If she tried to open the latch like the passengers claimed she is in the wrong. If she had an uncontrolled panic attack, and didn't take her medication, she is again culpable.

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