Kenya: Infants targeted [with Mogen clamps] in Kenya circumcision project

Link to story here Excerpt:

'UNIM project coordinator Dr June Odoyo said the new initiative is being piloted at New Nyanza General hospital, Kisumu, Siaya and Kombewa district hospitals.

Dr Odoyo said already they have trained health workers, mostly nurses, in the selected hospitals on how to circumcise the infants.

He explained that the nurses will use special gadgets known as a Mogen clamp to perform the circumcision at birth.

He says the new initiative is cheaper and heals faster and should be embraced by parents.

Speaking during a media training on male circumcision in Kisumu, Dr Odoyo said acceptance is low among the mothers besides resistance from the Luo Council of Elders.'

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As reported here at the Mogen company has just gone out of business after losing a $US 10.8M law suit to a family whose son lost the head of his penis to a Mogen clamp.

New infection rates of HIV/AIDS have been on decline for a decade in Afrcia (the AIDS pandemic, as expected, has run it's course), so professed concern for protecting infants from a distant threat of acquiring HIV/AIDS fails to explain this compulsion to circumcise.

Could one of our American friends please enlighten me as to what is driving this urge of the U.S. medical establishment to export/impose male circumcision on the third world (I'm Australian)?

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