'Third wave’ of feminism urged by prominent Canadian women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Influential Canadian women say the promise of equality that was dangled before them during the 1960s and ’70s has never been fully met and a “third wave” of feminism is needed to revive the drive.

Governor-General Michaëlle Jean, who is soon to depart the office she has held for the last five years, called about 200 of the women she met on her travels through Canada to a conference at Rideau Hall this week to talk about women’s security. The event is something her aides say she has been planning since the very first tour she took as Vice-Regent.

The women (and a handful of men) representing a broad cross-section of Canada – business and political leaders, aboriginal leaders, activists and scholars – touched on the matter of security, both physical and economic. But at a time when Canadian women with a postsecondary education still earn on average just 63 per cent of the salary of similarly educated men, it was the equality gap between men and women that dominated the discourse.'

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I'm starting to wonder if it's impossible to reason with feminists of this brood. But I do know that it's impossible to have a discussion about "equality" and not actually know or are willing to accept what equality actually means or entails .

Actual equality would of course mean what we all here know it to mean.

But I don't think it is impossible to reasn with them, it's just that we are so unvocal and provide such little visable opposition that they are still enabled to ride roughshed over reason and understanding, denying, ignoring or just too ignorant to know.

And does anyone else wonder what the hell she means by "third wave feminism" :??? Am I hearing that right?

Is it just me, or does anyone else know that third wave feminism already happen and start a long time ago??? LOL!Wow, how ironically and laughably ignorant our so-called feminist governor general is!

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